Good oral health habits are important to overall health. Visit the LifeSmile Wellness section of our website to read oral health articles, download materials and watch Delta Dental's video series.
Oral health is important for your overall health
Because many diseases can cause specific signs and symptoms in and around the mouth and jaw, dentists see clues that may point to critical health issues. As a result, increasing numbers of dentists are urging their patients to seek medical tests that seem unrelated to their dental checkups.
Did you know? More than 120 signs and symptoms of nondental disease can now be detected through a routine oral exam.1 Regular dental checkups are more important than ever, not only for oral health, but for overall health, too.
1 Little, James W., Falace, Donald A., Miller, Craig S., & Rhodus, Nelson L. (2013). Dental Management of the Medically Compromised Patient (8th ed.). St. Louis, MO: Mosby Elsevier.