What should I do in case of a dental emergency?
A dental emergency is a service needed to control bleeding, relieve pain, get rid of acute infection,
prevent loss of teeth, and treat injuries.
If a dental emergency happens, call your dental office and ask what you should do. If the emergency is life threatening, call 911.
If you currently do not have a regular dentist, call Delta Dental’s customer service at 866-558-0280 or go use our find a dentist online search portal to find a dentist near you.
If you are calling after hours, call 866-558-0280 for helpful recorded information and connection to our emergency service if needed. If you are not in Michigan when a dental emergency happens, you can make a toll-free call 24/7 to Delta Dental’s customer service at 866-558-0280 for help finding a dentist.
If you have a dental emergency outside of Michigan, the Medicaid and Healthy Michigan Plan will cover the service even if the dentist is not a Delta Dental Healthy Michigan Plan dentist. A prior authorization is not needed for emergency service.
Virtual Visits delivered by TeleDentistry.com
Healthy Michigan Plan members can access TeleDentistry.com*. These virtual visits are a safe and effective way to receive dental care and avoid the emergency room. Consider a virtual visit when you:
- Have a dental emergency and do not have a regular dentist.
- Need access to a dentist after hours if your dentist is not available.
- Need to consult a dentist while traveling and you don’t have a dentist.
Teledentistry is already included in your existing dental coverage and counts as one oral examination under your plan.
Get started on your teledentistry visit or call 866-302-0443.
*TeleDentistry.com services are only available to current Healthy Michigan Plan administered by Delta Dental of Michigan users. TeleDentistry.com is considered to be a “problem-focused exam” (shown as a D0140 procedure code on your Explanation of Benefits) and counts as one of your annual examinations covered by your plan.