More Definitions:
A–F (Abscess–Fluoride)
G–L (Gingivitis–Limitations)
M–R (Malocclusion–Root Canal Therapy)
Scaling: using specialized dental instruments to remove plaque, calculus, and stain from the crowns and roots of teeth
Sealant: a thin plastic material applied to the tooth's biting surface to prevent decay.
Space Maintainer: an appliance that holds teeth in position.
Subscriber: the employee or participant who is certified by the company or organization (group) providing the dental program as eligible to receive benefit coverage from Delta Dental. If family coverage is offered, the additional people listed on the contract will be designated as spouse or dependent.
Temporomandibular Joint: the joint connecting the lower jaw to the skull.
Termination: the date on which the dental benefits contract ends or the date on which the enrollee is no longer eligible for benefits.
Usual Fee: the fee that an individual dentist most frequently charges for a dental service.
Veneers: thin, pre-shaped shells that cover top or bottom front teeth to repair chips or cracks, fix gaps, and change the shape and size of teeth. They usually are made of porcelain or tooth-colored composite resin material.
Waiting Period: the period of time specified by an employer or group before an employee or group member becomes eligible to receive benefits.