Request Funding

Through our corporate citizenship efforts, we support charitable organizations and programs that are working to make a difference in communities throughout Michigan, Ohio and Indiana.


The following organizations are eligible to request funding:

  • 501(c)3 nonprofit organizations serving Michigan, Ohio or Indiana that have programs directly impacting one or more of the funding priority areas listed below.


Funding will not be awarded to:

  • Organizations outside of Michigan, Ohio or Indiana
  • Individuals
  • Pass-through organizations and events
  • Organizations that discriminate by race, religion, color, age, gender, sexual orientation or identity
  • Political campaigns
  • Projects developed for commercial and proprietary purposes
  • Arts programs that do not provide significant economic impact to the community
  • Organizations that do not fit within Delta Dental’s scope of giving

Funding Priorities

  • Programs that address multiple SDOH with special emphasis on:
    • Transportation
    • Housing
    • Access to care
    • Access to clean water and healthy food
    • Education specifically focused on career exploration, talent development, and post-secondary degree/certificate completion
  • Programs that grow, improve or benefit the dental workforce
  • Special consideration will be given to programs that address the above focus areas and:
    • Provide meaningful volunteer opportunities for Delta Dental employees
    • Show the potential for long-term impact and scalability

Evaluation Criteria

  • Relevance to the SDOH domains and the potential impact on health disparities
  • Organizational capacity to deliver the proposed program
  • Ability to demonstrate that the program is not duplicating services and addresses a need that could not be met through collaboration with another organization

Funding Cycle

  • Requests will be reviewed on a quarterly basis and applicants will be notified of a decision within two weeks of the end of each quarter.
  • Emergency funds may occasionally be allocated for disasters or urgent needs related to the SDOH domains on a case-by-case basis

Reporting and Accountability

  • Funded organizations are required to notify the company of any delays or changes to the original scope of the project.
  • A final evaluation report is required within 3 months of the end of the funding period. The form will be provided upon notification of funding approval.

Application Process

Eligible organizations may email requests to

Please provide the following information:

  • Contact person’s name, title, email address and phone number
  • Describe your program
  • Which domain(s) of the Social Determinants of Health does this program address and how? Be specific, requests that do not answer this question will not be considered.The five domains of the social determinants of health (SDOH) are:
    • Economic stability
    • Education access and quality
    • Health care access and quality
    • Neighborhood and built environment
    • Social and community context
  • How many people will be served?
  • Which population(s) will the program serve? (children, seniors, people with disabilities, LGBTQ+ community, etc)
  • What is the service area?
  • What are the expected outcomes?
  • What is your plan for measuring and reporting results?
  • Will you collaborate with other nonprofit organizations and if so, how?
  • Are any other organizations providing similar services in the same area and if so, how do you differ?
  • Does this program provide opportunities for Delta Dental employees to volunteer and if so, how? If not, does the organization have other volunteer opportunities not related to this program? Please include days of the week and times that volunteer opportunities would be available.

Requests must include the following attachments:

  • Program budget including:
    • Total program cost
    • Amount requested from Delta Dental
    • List of other companies and foundations already committed to supporting
    • List of other companies and foundations you have requested support from, but have not yet committed
    • Signed copy of your W-9
    • Board of Directors list including each member’s company affiliation

Questions about funding?

Please contact Delta Dental’s corporate citizenship department at